Monday, October 12, 2009

In the blink of an eye it can all seem like things can change. Well things definitely changed from teaching experience one to two but something’s remained the same. I felt a little less prepared because I was so busy leading up to teaching the lesson. That’s something I know I will have to deal with as a teacher, but know my lesson was done.
My first period class is like my Achilles heel so to speak. I teach the lesson but they aren’t interested. This often is the same problem when my mentor teacher teaches. I tried a video from as an icebreaker to get them interested. Some of them laughed, but not with as much enthusiasm as second or fourth period. I then went through my notes and was done within 55 minutes, and off to do their assignments.
Second and fourth were different changes of scenery. They were very into the lesson and my video. Second period we had a discussion for several minutes into the video. The lesson with announcements went about 75 minutes. Fourth period went about 65 minutes. It felt very different between the three periods. Fourth and second period I was having a good report with the class, I believe. We had a laid back atmosphere, they were asking questions and it was fun. First period was tough; they weren’t into it, saw many of them playing with their phone but never took responsibility and take them.
I know a couple things when I teach again on the 13th. I am going to sit down with my first period and clear the air. That I deserve the same respect as the mentor teacher, and that if I see the phones out, I will take them. I don’t want to be the bad guy, but if I have to be so they will pay attention to me so be it. The other thing I need to work on is not believing the kids are smart. My mentor teacher and facilitator both commented that I believe the students know too much, that I need to break it down even more. That is something I know I need to work on.

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